Thursday, September 30, 2010

The irony of taking "Risks" to ensure "Safety"

I always thought that pilots and more specifically Air force pilots have the riskiest jobs in the world. Then this morning i saw a documentary report by NGC on test pilots. Do you know what test pilots do? They test the new  aircrafts (whatever they may be) to make sure they are safe enough to fly. Irony isnt it?

What caught my attention was the processes the pilot and the aircraft goes through in order to deem an aircraft safe. The pilots first test the basics and then its limits. And what are these limits u would ask. They are the limits of the altitude an aircraft can go to and the limits of the speed an aircraft can undertake. So how do u test these limits? But of course, by crossing them. These pilots first cross the limits and then deliberately lose control of the aircraft till the last minute from which the aircraft can be pulled to safety. You getting goose pimples yet? What if they cant pull up in time u will ask. Well then if they are lucky, they can eject in time and if not they just go down with the aircraft. Sounds scary right?

What was most distinguishable about these pilots is how much they love to fly and how much they love being a test pilot, in spite of the risks involved. More admirable was the fact that how understanding and supportive their families are. And even in case there are fatal accidents they do not blame the aviation, the accept that this is what their husbands/sons/brothers/fathers loved to do and they died doing just that.

Why is this blog entry relevant to me? I recently lost a pilot friend in a chopper crash? I know he loved to fly and he died doing just that. This blog entry is dedicated to him. May he rest in peace wherever he is. Gaurav you will be immensely missed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Things U Miss...

Recently i have become a hardcore internet addict for having nothing else to do. (Thats what i am saying.... ) But whenever i have been extremely busy i crib that i dont have time to read, to paint, and indulge myself in some other pleasures of life. And now that i have the time... i just go ahead and waste it on the internet and the new tech age idiot box.

Last weekend my internet died on me, and i felt that my life has come to a standstill, coz i wouldnt be able to get my net running till the next monday. So what would i do for three days??

Friday evening i spend with a friend i havent met in a long long time. My classmate from NIFT. It was a wonderful evening catching up on lost time. Sitting at a lounge in Vashi we spend time drinking and eating and laughing and being nostalgic and remembering the happy years of NIFT.
Most of Saturday and Sunday was spend watching movies with mom on TV. And one of these days when my parents were out for a while, i learnt what it feels like to be in your own company and laughing all by yourself on things that are funny. (I was watching "Chup Chup Ke" on Tv) I may have smiled to myself before or maybe even giggle by myself at something, but this time around i was a laughing riot. This is something i dont remember doing and it felt soo good. I felt soo happy from within :)

And last evening i did something that i havnt done in this entire monsoon season. I just sat there by the window and watched the rain. It was 5 in the evening when the sky started getting darker and darker and strong winds had started blowing. It felt like autumn when the dry leaves from the trees were breaking off their tethers and slowly floating towards the earth. The hot air left behind by the afternoon sun was rapidly replaced by a cool breeze. I opened all my windows to let some of it in. Then came the thundering and the lightning and although the streaks of lightning could not be seen from where i was seated, the clouds kept glowing up from time to time accompanied by the loud rumblings. Then came the sweet smell of earth as though the ground had been parched for years and was welcoming the rains. When the first drops fell i saw everyone trying to find some shelter, the dogs, the pigeons, the lone Bai on the road... and then rains came down as though there was no tomorrow.

How often do we miss the little things in life because we are so involved with the latest technology. I myself am one of those and i knew for sure that i wouldnt survive 3days without my internet, but i did and how :)